Right-to-Know filing lateSo March 1 has come and gone, and it’s now official: you’re Right-to-Know filing is late. (…got snowed in…dog ate my calendar…temporary memory loss…) While this isn’t an ideal situation, you’re probably in good company. And one thing you can be sure of: It’s better to file late than not at all.

So let’s get started. Do you have someone–either yourself or a colleague–who can make it a priority to get the filing done in a timely manner? No matter how you cut it, it will take time and does requires concentration, so someone must set aside the time necessary to complete the questionnaire and assemble the attachments.

Next, you’ll need to be prepared to answer the necessary questions. Do you have everything you need to submit your Facility Inventory Form (FIF)? (Among other things, you’ll need an MSDS for each chemical substance or mixture you’ve had on hand throughout the filing year.)

Many answers will require the performance of calculations to determine input. Depending on how many reportable substances you have–and it only takes one instance to be at or above the Threshold Reporting Quantity–you may be facing quite a bit of work. Once you have all the data you need at your fingertips, you’ll be able to proceed much more efficiently.

Take responsibility for your tardiness.

Consider contacting the DEP to let them know your Right-to-Know filing will be late. Sure, they may not yet be aware, but you don’t want them to think you’re trying to sneak by without being noticed. If they know your paperwork is on the way, they may be less inclined to take action against you. Especially if you get it done quickly!

Get professional help.

An experienced consultant knows all the ins-and-outs of filing. They are also accustomed to working with local officials, so they can be an ally in smoothing things out, providing added assurance that you are, in fact, in the process of completing your filing.

Since time is of the essence, remember that hiring a professional can help you complete your filing as quickly as possible, minimizing stress and allowing you to concentrate on managing your business. You may be filing late, but you know it will be done correctly and–perhaps most important–it will be off your plate.

So call Walden for assistance with your filing. Late or on-time, our professional scientists are the Right-to-Know experts. (And no, they will not yell at you!)