Industrial Wastewater

Industrial wastewater is a byproduct of certain manufacturing processes in which water that was used during production activities contains various substances harmful to humans and the environment. Walden provides manufacturing entities with services for managing industrial wastewater treatment and disposal.

This is particularly important when an industrial operation employs processes that involve the use of chemicals known to be hazardous.



  • Testing industrial wastewater
  • Interpreting laboratory results and reporting
  • Design of treatment systems

Walden has extensive experience working with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies to determine the steps required for handling wastewater effluent within regulatory frameworks; preparing technical material for submittal to agencies; and collecting, reviewing, and summarizing results from wastewater sampling activities.

While federal regulations pertain to any manufacturing operation that generates wastewater, in NYC, those operations must comply with NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) rules that enforce federal laws while also requiring operators to have a permit to discharge wastewater into the local sewer system. The permit requires testing twice per year and reporting.

Fortunately, Walden has years of experience helping manufacturing clients ensure their systems meet regulatory standards. When sampling wastewater, our experts look at the physical and chemical characteristics of the product to determine what type of contamination exists, which guides our recommendations to each facility and helps us prepare thoughtful reports.



Wastewater generated from manufacturing is unique to each facility. For example, operations that deal with metals may have wastewater with high levels of alkaline contamination; others may have organic substances in their wastewater, while others could contain oil, pesticides, or cleaning products.

Some facilities may use treatment systems that use evaporative systems, which require an air permit.

The point is no two facilities are the same. As such, Walden tailors our work and recommendations for each client to ensure the facility operates at maximum efficiency while safely adhering to regulatory requirements.