
Walden provides a variety of services for the development and improvement of drainage and stormwater systems including but not limited to design of gray and green infrastructure, water quality components, stormwater safety, MS4 programs and permitting and many types of stormwater-related compliance concerns every day.  Our experience and knowledge makes us the best-equipped team to tackle the most challenging drainage or stormwater problems. We are staffed with highly experienced civil and environmental engineers, geologists, and scientists who have the knowledge and skill to help our clients move forward in a cost-effective manner. By hiring Walden, you can increase the confidence that your residents, elected officials, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders will have in your stormwater systems.



  • Design of Stormwater Management, Water Quality, and Green Infrastructure Systems
  • MS4 Services; Designated Program Coordinator
  • Illicit Discharge Surveys, Investigations
  • Stormwater Utility Feasibility Studies, Implementation
  • Grant Writing and Administration
  • Infrastructure Condition Assessments/Audit
  • Subsurface Utility Engineering
  • Regulatory Strategies and Negotiations
  • NPDES/SPDES Permitting
  • Bulkhead Design and Rehabilitation
  • Watershed Quality Studies
  • Stormwater Management Plan & Program (SWMP) Development
  • Minimum Control Measure (MCM) Development
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Development
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection and Training
  • Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
  • On-Demand Training Programs