Prepare for the March 1 Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Reporting Deadline
With the year coming to a close, remember that the March 1 Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Report Filing Deadline with the New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is fast approaching! For all NYC facilities that handle, use, and store...
Prepare for the Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Report Filing Deadline March 1, 2024!
As the end-of-year holidays and the New Year are approaching, it’s important to remember that the Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Report Filing Deadline with the New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is coming up. March 1, 2024 is...
Connecticut EPCRA Tier II Chemical Inventory Reports Due March 1, 2023
What is a Tier II chemical inventory report? The Tier II chemical inventory report, commonly referred to as Tier II, is a report of chemicals at your facility during the last calendar year that exceed certain thresholds. These are chemicals that require a Safety Data...
Avoid Violations by Filing Your Annual Right-to-Know Tier II Reports with the NYC DEP on Time!
Annual Right-to-Know Tier II Report Filing season is upon us, and it’s important to file on time in New York City (NYC) to avoid receiving a violation and possible fine. The deadline for submitting these filings to the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)...
Don’t Miss the Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Report Filing Deadline with the NYC DEP!
It’s January, which means that the Annual Community Right-to-Know Tier II Report filing deadline with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) is less than two months away! When Is the Filing Deadline? March 1 is when all Tier II...
Now Is the Time to Start Preparing for Your Annual Right-to-Know Tier II Reporting
The New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Annual Right-to-Know filing deadline is just around the corner for facilities handling or storing hazardous substances. If your facility is required to file an annual Tier II Report under the NYC DEP...
Are Your Right-to-Know Records in Order? Compile Your Up-to-Date Safety Data Sheets
Now that the looming Right-to-Know (RTK) deadline is nearly behind us, it's a good time to take a step back and make sure your records are in order to have a good foundation for the rest of the year. In New York State, chemical inventory stored in a facility must have...
Right-to-Know Season is Upon Us for NYC DEP
FRIENDLY REMINDER! The time of the year for The New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) annual Community Right-To-Know (RTK) filing is once again approaching! The NYC Community RTK Program requires businesses to submit inventory information...
What happens if you did not file the Annual Right-to-Know Hazardous Chemical Inventory Tier II Report to the NYC DEP for your Facility?
You realized you missed the Right-to-Know (RTK) filing deadline of March 1st and did not submit an annual Hazardous Chemical Inventory Tier II Report to the New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for your Facility. Now what should you do?...
Does Your Facility Need to Submit a Risk Management Plan?
The overarching mission of New York City's (NYC) Community Right to Know Law is to protect the general public, emergency response personnel, and private and public properties from exposure to hazardous substances that result from fires, spills, or accidental releases,...