New York State Announces $60 Million Grant Program for New Green Infrastructure Projects
Earth Week this year was observed from April 14 to 22 and it came with some big news for New Yorkers. The state announced $60 million for the new Green Resiliency Grant (GRG) Program. GRGs will be awarded on a competitive basis to flood-prone community projects that...

Walden Working with Marbletown to Facilitate Aqueduct Neighborhoods Support Program
Introduction Walden is pleased to be helping the Town of Marbletown facilitate their Aqueduct Neighborhoods Support Program. This program will provide funding and other assistance to residents and businesses in select areas of the town who are impacted by water...

Walden Helps Municipalities Develop Staffing and Retention Plans for NYS Asset Management Program
NYS Asset Management Program for Publicly Owned Utility Systems Walden recently started work on an Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the Town of Ulster, NY. To learn more about what an AMP is, and how Walden is working with the New York State Department of Environmental...

EPA’s New Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Regulations
Background For many decades, Americans have unknowingly been exposed to toxic chemicals, including those called “forever chemicals,” like per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), with no oversight from the government. These chemicals are known to have a negative...

Public Comment Period Open to Address Eligibility Guidelines for Grants for Water Quality Improvement Projects
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has opened a public review and comment period regarding eligibility guidelines for Water Quality Improvement Projects and Program Grants for Municipal Stormwater Projects. The comment period is open...

Walden Assists Municipalities in Developing Level of Service Goals for New York’s Wastewater Infrastructure Asset Management Plan Programs
NYS Asset Management Program for Publicly Owned Treatment Works Walden is continuing work on an Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the Town of East Greenbush, NY. To learn more about what an AMP is, and how Walden is working with the New York State Department of...

Does Your Manufacturing Facility in Connecticut Need a Stormwater Permit?
What Is Stormwater? In the natural environment, stormwater is rain or snowmelt that covers the ground and is absorbed by plants and soil. However, some environments are more developed and contain structures such as buildings, rooftops, and pavement that may be exposed...

My Facility Received a Stormwater Notice of Violation. Now What?
Industrial facilities in New York have recently been receiving Notices of Violation (NOVs) from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for violating the terms of the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Stormwater Discharges...

NYSDEC Issues New MS4 General Permit (GP-0-24-001); Electronic Notices of Intent for Coverage Due February 20
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC’s) new "General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems" (GP-0-24-001) sets forth updated requirements for managing stormwater discharges from municipal separate...

Protecting New York State’s Freshwater Wetlands
In the past, wetlands across the nation were treated as dumping grounds for waste. In the 1700s, more than half of the wetlands that existed in the contiguous United States were destroyed due to the pollution and filling in of these areas. You may be asking yourself:...