Winter Is Coming and So Is the Deadline for Semi-Annual Stormwater Monitoring and Reporting (GP-0-23-001)
As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to complete semi-annual stormwater Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) in order to comply with New York’s State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) program requirements. Facilities that are covered under the New...

I Missed the NOI Deadline! What Happens Now?
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a new State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) that went into effect on March 8, 2023. This new permit, GP-0-23-001, is replacing the previous...

Act Now: Semi-Annual Stormwater Monitoring and Reporting Deadline Approaching!
Facilities whose stormwater discharges are regulated under New York’s State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) program are required to complete stormwater sampling and reporting on either a quarterly or semi-annual basis. The current monitoring semi-annual...

NYSDEC Renews Multi-Sector General Permits for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has renewed the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Stormwater Discharges. The new permit (#GP-0-23-001) is effective for five years and began...

Stormwater Training Seminars START TODAY!!
The City of Fort Wayne, Division of Utilities will conduct Advanced Stormwater Topics seminars from 2-4pm every Tuesday in March, 2023 (March 7, 14, 21, and 28). Walden is pleased to help the city facilitate this regional program that provides education, outreach,...

The Semi-Annual Stormwater Sampling Deadline Is December 31, 2022
Prepare your facility for the semi-annual stormwater sampling deadline! If you own an industrial facility, you must be aware of the stormwater discharge regulations that apply. Under the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water Act, stormwater discharges...

Green Infrastructure Options for Stormwater Management
This blog is the second in a two-part series about stormwater management. The first blog [Stormwater Management Basics] addressed the basics of stormwater management regulations. Green infrastructure options for stormwater management are presented below....

Stormwater Management Basics
This blog is the first in a two-part series regarding stormwater management regulations as discussed below and best management practices, which will be presented in our September 2nd blog post. What Is Stormwater Runoff and What Are Its Impacts? Stormwater runoff is...

What is the SPDES Permit Program and its Role in Eliminating Pollution?
The State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit program was authorized by Article 17 of the Environmental Conservation Law, with the intent of protecting New York State’s water resources from contamination. The SPDES program intends to protect humans,...

Stormwater Management During Construction
Ready to break ground on your new construction project? Hang on! Did you know that if you are disturbing the soil at your site, you may need to obtain coverage under the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) State Pollutant Discharge...