Year-End Message from Walden
As 2022 draws to a close, Walden's President and Founder, Joseph Heaney, wanted to share his thoughts on the past year and look ahead to 2023. There are several upcoming regulatory changes that we will be sure to stay up to date on, so please stay tuned as we move...

Five Things to Consider as New York Forward Moves Into Phase II – How Do I Prepare a Business COVID Safety Plan?
New York Forward, the State of New York’s plan for reopening business after the COVID shutdown has reached important thresholds this week, with Phase I businesses in New York City allowed to open on Monday, June 8, and Phase II businesses allowed to open on Long...

10 Things to Include in Your New York State COVID Business Safety Plan for Reopening
New York State’s PAUSE is slowing lifting across the State region by region, with Long Island’s Phase I businesses given the green light to resume operations effective May 27th. Phase I businesses include construction, curbside retail service, manufacturing, and...

Did you receive a NYCDEP Right-To-Know Violation?
Did you receive a NYCDEP Right-To-Know Violation? Did you know that every facility in New York City that stores hazardous material and substances must submit a Hazardous Materials Inventory of their facility to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection...

Did you receive a Local Law 84/133 Benchmarking Violation?
Did you receive a Local Law 84/133 Benchmarking Violation? According to New York City’s Covered Buildings List for Compliance in 2019 (https://www1.nyc.gov/html/gbee/downloads/pdf/2019%20LL87%20CBL%20Final.pdf), over 15,000 buildings larger than 25,000 square feet are...

Industrial Stormwater Pollution in MS4 Areas
Industrial Stormwater Pollution in MS4 Areas It is illegal to discharge polluted stormwater to surface waterbodies. Many industrial business owners overlook their site’s potential to pollute surface waters because their stormwater drains to a municipal separate storm...

The Contractor’s Guide to Part 360 Beneficial Use Determination
The Contractor’s Guide to Part 360 Beneficial Use Determination (BUD'S) What do I do with the excess excavated material from my construction site? According to the new Part 360 rules, you can choose between two different pathways. Pathway 1 The first option is to send...

What Is the Importance of Record Keeping?
Now that the stress and uncertainty of an inspection (and any resulting violations) are behind you, it’s time to ensure your record keeping system is fully optimized. Clear, consistent, and organized records are important for maintaining compliance and avoiding future...

What To Do If You Get A Violation
Inspection violations come in a variety of formats. In most cases, if it is a minor first violation and you take the necessary steps to correct the issue, you won’t receive a fine. If you do receive a fine for a first time offense, it will likely be minimal. Because...

What to do When Government Visits: Post-Inspection
The period after your inspection is complete is the perfect time to take a deep breath, get organized, and prepare for the next inspection. The following tasks are best done immediately after your inspection while the information is still fresh. The longer you wait,...