Did you receive a NYCDEP Right-To-Know Violation?

Did you know that every facility in New York City that stores hazardous material and substances must submit a Hazardous Materials Inventory of their facility to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the New York City Fire Department annually? Yes, every year.

When is the deadline?

The deadline is March 1st.

What happens if I did not file?

If you did not file for 2018, you may receive a notice of violation in the mail. The city will inform you that you failed to submit your Hazardous Materials Inventory for your facility. The anticipated annual “filing fee” can range between $400 and $600 per facility.  This is paid annually, and the NYCDEP gives a value to each facility based on the amount of hazardous material is stored on site. If you do not comply, the fines can range between $500 and $3,000 for incorrect or incomplete filing.

Electronic Filing 

Electronic filing is one way for you to save time and money. They recommend filling electronically because they are trying to move away from the old-fashioned paperwork methods. Also, once you filed for one year, information from the previous year is saved and obtainable.

Once you have filed a Hazardous Materials Inventory, you are now in the city’s database. They will know if you are in compliance or not in compliance and have a much easier time sending out Notice of Violations if you are not in compliance.

Need help?

If you have any questions regarding Right-To-Know and Hazardous Material Inventory, give Walden Environmental Engineering a call at 516-624-7200. We have been keeping our clients in compliance, by completing their RTK’s annually, efficiently, and on-time.