Business owners have a lot on their minds this time of year. We want to make sure you don’t forget about the New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s Community Right-to-Know Filing.

Every year, the DEP mandates businesses that use or store potentially dangerous substances report how much product they keep on site. Information is shared with the New York City Fire Department and the New York State Emergency Response Commission to aid first responders in the event of an emergency.

To file, businesses must compare their housed chemicals to the NYC DEP Community Right-To-Know List of Hazardous Substances to determine which products meet the DEP’s requirements for reporting. Businesses that house extremely hazardous substances have additional reporting obligations under federal Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III regulations.

The DEP will assess a fee depending on the quantity of chemicals reported. Check out Walden’s blog for an idea on how to reduce this DEP fee.

The DEP filing is due by March 1st and can be submitted electronically, or by mail.

Failure to comply with NYC DEP Community Right-to-Know regulations can result in fines up to $2,500 for a first time violation, and up to $10,000 for a repeat violator. Walden can help you avoid these issues by becoming compliant with these regulations.

Walden Environmental Engineering offers services in:

  • Inventorying on-site chemicals
  • Determining reportable quantities of hazardous substances
  • Filling out DEP, FDNY, and NYS Emergency Response Commission paperwork
  • SARA Title III paperwork for extremely hazardous substances

The City sends inspectors year-round to check businesses for Right to Know compliance. Don’t forget about the Community Right-to-Know Filing this year! Walden has over 20 years of experience with regulatory compliance; give us a call for help with your Community Right-to-Know reporting.

You can reach us at (516)-624-7200.