Get Ready for the OSHA Silica Standard for General Industry
In 2016 OSHA issued the standard 1910.1053 for General Industry in order to protect workers from exposure to respirable silica dust. The silica standard was initially to be enforced on June 23, 2016 but OSHA delayed enforcement to June 23, 2018. The silica...

Construction Site Safety Concern: Trenches and Excavations Part II
Excavating is a common activity on construction projects which can create dangerous situations for employers, employees, and bystanders. Because of the many dangers involved in excavating and trenching, OSHA has many rules around these activities including the...

Construction Site Safety Concern: Trenches and Excavations Part I
Many construction site supervisors are concerned about the safety and worry that they are leaving themselves open to potential hazards which can result in the serious injury of an employee and heavy fines from regulatory agencies. The importance of Environmental...

Ready for the OSHA Silica Exposure Standard in the Construction Industry?
In 2016 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a standard to protect construction workers from silica exposure in the form of respirable silica dust. The standard was initially to be enforced on June 23, 2017 but recently OSHA delayed...

Have You Received a Community Right to Know Violation?
The Community Right to Know program requires all businesses in New York City storing hazardous chemicals to report information on these potentially dangerous substances in order to better protect first responders and the community in the event of an emergency....

Air Quality Monitoring in the Construction Industry
Upon introducing oneself as an air quality monitor on-site, one will realize that almost every construction worker has a story of a job site that made them light-headed. Most only realized the effects when they got home after a full day of work; a few have stories of...

Hearing Protection in General Industry and Construction – What You Need to Know
Whether working at a manufacturing facility, an active construction site, or a concert hall, routine exposure to elevated noise levels in the working world poses potentially adverse health effects. Hearing loss can have a major impact on an individual’s quality of...

What Does Good Construction Management Look Like? Four Steps to Use on Any Project
From a client’s perspective, a construction project is considered a success if it is completed on-time, within budget, and without any injuries to workers. A job that moves along smoothly without any major delays or errors is a job where sufficient time is spent on...

NYCDEP New Regulations For Emission Control Devices On Wood-Fired Cook Stoves
The NYCDEP has recently amended its rules (15 RCNY Chapter 38) regarding control devices on emissions generated by wood fired cook stoves. The regulation took effect on May 24th 2017. The new regulation applies to any wood fired or anthracite coal fired stove within...

Freshwater Wetlands Protection and What It Means to You and the Environment
Whether you’re walking along a path or driving down the road, you may notice areas where the trees and plants are unlike the vegetation growing in most of the surrounding areas. When you look more closely, you will likely realize that these areas are located next to...