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NYSDEC and NYSERDA Take Steps to Support Implementation of State’s Nation-Leading Climate

NYSDEC and NYSERDA Take Steps to Support Implementation of State’s Nation-Leading Climate

The New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), whose leaders oversee the State’s Climate Action Council, recently appointed members to the newly created “Just Transition” Working Group...

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Walden Pleased to host Dr. Amy Nitza presenting “Building and Sustaining Personal and Professional Resilience”

Walden Pleased to host Dr. Amy Nitza presenting “Building and Sustaining Personal and Professional Resilience”

During these tremendously challenging times, we are all experiencing some new stressors in our every-day lives both in the home and at work. Challenges and routines have been replaced, intensified or removed out of our daily way of life. As an employer, Walden...

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