City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, Division of City Utilities is proud to present its annual workshop, titled 2020 Stormwater Management Advances: Technology and New Products. This year, the annual stormwater outreach program will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Walden is pleased to assist City Utilities by moderating this important education and outreach program. Throughout the month of October, City Utilities will be hosting several speakers and guests through weekly presentations during two-hour sessions every Tuesday beginning at 2:00 pm, from October 6th-27th, 2020 to introduce important topics regarding advancements in better stormwater management.

Each two-hour (2) session will feature two (2) courses that will be used to provide training focusing primarily on the MS4 Program’s Minimum Control Measure (MCM) 4 (Construction Site Runoff Control) & MCM 5 (Post-Construction Runoff Control) while providing professional development hours (PDH) for Engineers in the State of Indiana. The City provides this training and outreach at no cost. The first hour of the session will begin by introducing a new topic each Tuesday at 2pm, followed by the second hour where an additional new topic will be available as a guided archived course. Following each completed course, a certificate of accomplishment will be provided. Evaluation, survey and feedback will be sought by participants from each week.
Related topics that will be covered throughout the training program include: Preventing Maintenance Mayhem: A Case Study in Birmingham, Alabama; Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMP) in Stormwater Management; Post-Construction Best Management Practices (BMPs): Specifying, Inspecting and Maintaining Underground Detention and Stormwater Manufacture Treatment Devices (MTDs); and an engineering ethics session for Interdisciplinary Awareness. Walden staff will moderate the program with City Utilities and will be the featured presenters for two (2) of these sessions in Week 3 and Week 4.
Please see below for additional information on the program and links to register for the upcoming Tuesdays at 2 PM sessions to boost your knowledge of stormwater management and MS4 issues.
The weekly sessions offer up to 8.0 Professional Development Hours for Engineers in Indiana. The program is held through a Zoom platform where you can register below!
Week 1: October 6th, 2020, 2:00PM EST
Dr. Ryan J. Winston, Ohio State University “Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers: Construction, Performance, and Maintenance”
2:00PM EST
James Smits, Interface H2O (Previously recorded session) “Polymer as a Newest Best Management Practice – On Demand”
3:00PM EST
Week 2: October 13th, 2020
Heather Williams, WOOD PLLC. (In partnership with Maumee Watershed Alliance) “Preventing Maintenance Mayhem: Case Study Birmingham, AL”
2:00PM EST
Joe Moore, Siltworm, Inc. (Live Session)
“Effectiveness of BMPs in Stormwater Management”
3:00PM EST
Week 3: October 20th, 2020
Angie Bidlack, P.E., D2 Land & Water Resource “Post-Construction BMPs: Specifying, Inspecting and Maintaining Underground Detention and MTDs”
2:00PM EST
Scott Harrigan & Thomas (Ted) Nitza, Jr., P.E., (Previously recorded session) “Use of Drone Technology Tools for Stormwater – On Demand”
3:00PM EST
Week 4: October 27th, 2020
Thomas (Ted) Nitza, Jr., P.E., Walden Environmental Engineering, PLLC “Engineering Ethics – Interdisciplinary Comparisons”
2:00PM EST
Eric Ellingson, Earth Source, Inc. (Previously recorded session) “Wetlands in the Field – On Demand”
3:00PM EST
For questions or issues with registration to this conference please contact:
Walden is active in this area and can help your MS4 community with compliance, reporting, education and outreach efforts. Walden helps several communities with their MS4 programs to comply with these mandates in a professional and cost-effective manner.
If you would like to learn more about this topic or more on stormwater management, please contact Walden today! Call: (516) 586-0296