Community Impact
Walden is proud to support the organizations that are important to our employees by providing funds to donate as they wish. Here are some of the other organizations that our employees have chosen for us to support:

2021 Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair
Walden Environmental Engineering supports the Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair through our Environmental Award. Meet 2021’s award winners!

East Hampton Rotary Club Scholarship
Evan Selger of East Hampton High School is the recipient of the 2020 Turnkey Compliance Solutions – East Hampton Rotary Club Scholarship.
Evan was awarded the scholarship in recognition of his work as the organizer and group leader of the Source to Sea Pocotopaug Creek Cleanup Event. He was a recipient of the East Hampton Board of Education Good Samaritan Commendation. He has also excelled in his academics, making high honor roll for all four years of high school. Evan was inducted into the National Honor Society and the Tri-M Music Honor Society.

The East Hampton High School Special Needs Fund helps students “who find themselves in financial need so that they can fully participate in all that our school has to offer.” This donation was presented for the 2020 scholarship.
Contact us today to learn more about how partnering with Walden can help your organization run more efficiently, safely, and profitably.

Handsome Dan’s Dog Rescue
Left: Volunteer Asia accepts a check for Handsome Dan’s Rescue with Foster Dog Buster, now staying with Mark and Delores Morgano pending adoption. (Asia is a volunteer with PARL, an HDR partner shelter.)

Naugatuck Ecumenical Food Bank
Terrance Rowley presented the 2020 donation for the Naugatuck Ecumenical Food Bank. All of the donations, food, and money to buy food, go directly to residents of Naugatuck who are in need.
Pictured here are Marty Lee Fenton of the Naugatuck Ecumenical Food Bank, and Terry Rowley of Walden Environmental Engineering

29th Annual Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic
Turnkey Compliance Solutions was proud to support the Annual Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic for the eighth year! The weather was perfect, and our golfers enjoyed a nice day out on the course. This year’s tournament raised more than $46,000 to help provide scholarships to those in need.

2020 CT Safety Society Tee Sponsor
Turnkey Compliance Solutions was pleased to support the 2020 CT Safety Society Charity Golf Outing.