Does your organization know how to use technological tools to maximize efficiency and save on the bottom dollar? Perhaps you have considered using drones, LiDAR, or thermal imaging but do not know how to source the best equipment or make the most use of limited funds for such equipment. It can be frustrating to make decisions if you do not know where to begin.
Walden can help. The experts at Walden that are part of our Drones and Remote Sensing practice are at the forefront of advances in innovation. We can help you choose the best equipment for either your daily needs or for special projects. Understanding how much equipment costs, how long work should take, and managing the entire workflow of projects are also things in which Walden has advanced expertise.
For example, if your organization is bound by the regulatory requirements of Part 360 rules, Walden has used drones to provide expert topography and volume calculations much faster and with accuracy superior to traditional means for many organizations that manage and handle solid waste. Perhaps you need to identify sources of illicit discharges in your water system. Walden has experience using thermal imaging UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to detect potential sources of pollution.
Those are not the only uses for Drones and Remote Sensing, though. Walden has used drones to map large industrial facilities and land masses and help clients develop roof use plans. Drones, along with thermal imaging, can be used to inspect roofs and pinpoint where moisture may be, which could indicate structural weaknesses and significantly alter development plans. Having this type of knowledge before performing work like installing photovoltaic panels or vegetative roof systems is important to any building owner.
Don’t spend another minute wondering if you have all of the information you need to make educated decisions about the use of Drones and Remote Sensing tools. Walden can answer your questions and provide you with the guidance you need. Contact the experts at Walden today to learn more.