Part 360 Solid Waste – Drone Topography and Volume Calculations

Walden, through our strategic partnership with Harkin Aerial, has utilized cutting edge drone technology to reduce costs and time on site to obtain data required for successful filing of NYS Part 360 Solid Waste permits. By combining high-resolution drone imagery along with existing surveys and precision ground control points, Walden and Harkin were able to produce accurate orthomosaics and topographic contours using drone-acquired data. From this 3D data, volume calculations were performed and checked against traditional methods, which proved to be as accurate or better than traditional methods. By using drone data, Part 360 permits were filed faster, at lower cost, and with the most accurate stockpile volumes possible. Filing with accurate stockpile calculations allows Walden to ensure clients easily maintain compliance with NYS’ Part 360 Solid Waste regulations.

Many Part 360 drone flights were conducted in the busy flight zones of Republic Airport’s Class D airspace (FRG), the equally busy airspace of Long Island MacArthur’s Class C airspace (ISP) and the extremely busy Class B airspace at John F Kennedy Airport (JFK). These flights required additional coordination with local Air Traffic Control and express authorization from any airports that had flight paths over client sites.

By using Harkin’s years of experience filing for FAA Airspace Authorizations, as well as Harkin’s strong local knowledge of drone operations in the busy tri-state area, Walden and Harkin were able to acquire all FAA permits quickly and easily on dozens of client sites near airports. Walden and Harkin were able to incur zero delays on drone flights thanks to expert planning and airspace authorization filing, after conducting thorough airspace research for all client sites.

Walden’s unique combination of adopting innovative new technologies, while utilizing it’s team of seasoned, expert engineers to produce final plans and permits, allowed for fast and easy Part 360 Permitting for Walden’s many solid waste clients.


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June 30, 2021