What is the EPA “e-Manifest”?

The new EPA “e-Manifest” is an electronic system for tracking hazardous waste under the Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Establishment Act. This act encourages users to transition from paper submissions to electronic submissions of the manifest.

What are the positives of the new act?

This system will go into effect on June 30, 2018 and is expected to save time, resources and money. The e-Manifest has additional benefits such as recording accurate data on shipments, creating one stop for the EPA and States to collect and report the manifest data, increasing the productivity of monitoring waste loads by regulators, and providing rapid notification of inaccuracies or problems with a particular shipment. The e-Manifest includes all federally and state-regulated wastes requiring manifests.

How will it affect me?

This Act allows the EPA to charge user fees in order to recover the system’s cost. The final rule, published on January 3, 2018, states that the EPA will be charging the user fees on the receiving facilities named on the manifests. The fee charge does not apply to transporters, generators, or any parties other than the receiving facility designated on the manifest. Completed and signed manifests can be submitted individually or bundled together. The manifest can be submitted electronically or on paper in any of the following ways: mail a copy of the singed manifest(s); upload a scanned image of the signed paper manifest(s); or upload an image file of the paper manifest(s) and data file(s). The third option is preferred because it reduces the amount of work needed to process the manifest, resulting in lower processing fees for the receiving facility. The option to submit a copy of the paper manifest through the mail will end on June 30, 2021.

Walden offers the following services in regulatory compliance regarding hazardous waste:

If you are interested in any of these services, please call Walden at (516) 624-7200. We have hazardous waste experts on staff to help with all of your needs.