Mulch Processing and Storage Facilities Under the Newly Amended Solid Waste Regulations

Does your facility create or store mulch which has been derived from tree debris, yard trimmings or other woody material?  If so, updated regulations will require the facility to adhere to new regulatory tiers for permitting requirements. Subpart 361-4 of the recently updated New York State Solid Waste regulations covers Mulch Processing Facilities and has been in effect since November 4, 2017.  Full compliance is necessary by May 3, 2018.

Do Mulch Processing Facilities Require a Permit or Registration?

Not to be confused with Part 361-3 which covers composting and other organic recycling facilities, Part 361-4 specifically addresses locations that undertake the production and storage of mulch. Many facilities will find that both Subparts of the regulation apply to them differently.  All mulch processing facilities are regulated based on the total quantity of material on site at any given time. Facilities that have >25,000 cy of incoming and processed, stored material on site are required to be fully permitted and subject to design and operating criteria.  Facilities that process less are still required to be registered and/or follow some design and operating criteria, which means all facility owners and operators must work out how the regulations apply to them.

Permit or Registration Application Sections

Some of the design / operating criteria in the regulations that a mulch processing facility owner must comply with are:

  • Pile size and separation distances, depending on the type of material
  • Contaminant preclusion and removal
  • Odor control
  • Storage restrictions
  • Temperature monitoring / control and required pile restacking
  • Control of water run-on and water run-off
  • Buffer distances from property lines and water services
  • Fire risk and safety
  • Reporting and recordkeeping

Consultants Prepared To Address Your Needs

Walden has a highly qualified team of engineering professionals that can help you navigate through the new Part 360 regulations, including permitting and operating requirements, allowing you to move forward with confidence and ensuring you don’t have any interrupted business while complying.  From simple advice to a complete management of your permitting and everything in between, let Walden’s skill and experience be an asset to your company. Visit our Part 360 webpage for more information or call (516) 624-7200 to talk to one of our engineers.