If your facility has a spray booth, it is important that you provide adequate clearance around it to ensure you’re in compliance with OSHA regulations. In most cases, that means that “each spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than 3 feet, or by a greater distance, or by such partition or wall as to reduce the danger from the juxtaposition of hazardous operations.” This three-foot distance is recommended from all sides of the spray booth, not just the opening of the spray booth.

Worried about your facilities’ compliance with OSHA regulations and other safety considerations? As a Turnkey Compliance Solutions client, your Environmental, Health and Safety Specialist will work with you to ensure that you have this covered as part of your compliance program.
As a Turnkey Compliance Solutions client, your Environmental, Health and Safety Specialist will work with you to ensure that you have this covered as part of your compliance program.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly by email, mmorgano@walden-associates.com, or call 860.604.1622.
Reference: NFPA 33, 28 Edition
5.5.2 A clear space of not less than 915mm (3 ft) shall be maintained on all sides and above the spray booth and shall be kept free of any storage or combustible construction.