NYSDOH Legionella Compliance Enforcement Update – Cooling Unit Registration
As discussed in Walden’s previous blog, Cooling Tower and Evaporative Coolers Issues – What you need to Know about Legionella Compliance In New York State, all owners of cooling towers and evaporative coolers (cooling units) must comply with the New York State...

What is a Legionella Preventive Maintenance Plan and how may this pertain to your facility?
Owners of cooling towers and/or evaporative coolers (cooling units) within New York State are required to develop a written maintenance program and plan in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015, as per New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Protection...

Do You Know How to Dispose of Hazardous Waste?
In February a New York business and one employee were convicted for violating the New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL). The business and employee illegally disposed of hazardous materials and waste at their facility. Both the employee and facility were...

What to do when your Right-to-Know Filing is Late
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection requires all businesses to report hazardous substances stored, processed, handled or used on-site on a yearly basis. Did you miss the March 1st filing deadline for your business’s 2016 Community Right-to-Know?...

How will the 1,4-Dioxane in my Drinking Water Affect my Health?
The presence of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water has recently been a topic of public concern for residents of Long Island, New York. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) classifies 1,4-dioxane as a probable human carcinogen, or a likely...

What Does Stormwater Discharge Compliance Look Like in New York State?
Stormwater runoff occurs naturally from rainfall or snow storms, which flows over any land surface and does not percolate into the ground. However, human activities such as construction work, and urbanization can change the natural flow pattern and can...

Change in Underground Storage Tank Review in Nassau County
Do you store gasoline or diesel at your work site? Nassau County has changed the governing agency for gasoline and diesel underground and aboveground storage tanks. Previously, anyone who wanted to install a petroleum bulk storage (PBS) underground storage tank (UST)...

Year End Regulatory Updates Part 2
Mold Program Update On January 1, 2016 New York State Article 32 of Labor Law went into effect. Before Article 32, there were no controls on contractors performing mold-related services. Some contractors were therefore able to take advantage of their customers by...

Year End Regulatory Updates Part 1
Proposed Part 360 Regulations In early 2016, the NYSDEC proposed significant changes to New York State regulations regarding previously unregulated facilities, activities, and waste streams within the existing Part 360 solid waste management program. The proposed...

The Importance of Building Permits
Imagine it was a foggy morning, and Engine Company 42 was on its way to a one-alarm fire at a warehouse. On the way to the warehouse, the senior Firefighter (FF) checked his online Department Database to get information about the facility, which he passed on to all...