Frequently Asked Questions about Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facilities
As of January 2015, a total of 86 permitted and 298 registered C&D debris processing facilities existed in New York State. All of these facilities are affected by the recently revised Part 360 regulations enacted by the New York State Department of Environmental...

Important Updates about the NYSDEC Enforcement Discretion Letter
On September 19th, 2019 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a new Enforcement Discretion letter following the previous letter issued on January 25th, 2019. Here are three important things to know about the new DEC Enforcement...

What is and is Not Considered “Waste” by the NYSDEC?
What is and is Not Considered “Waste” by the NYSDEC? Regardless of how natural or clean the soil might be, if you had excavated fill material from a commercial property, public park, or even a residential backyard, it most likely is considered a “waste” material (with...

Are you prepared to meet the upcoming fill material sampling requirements? Less than 6 months to go!
Are you prepared to meet the upcoming fill material sampling requirements? Less than 6 months to go! Starting May 4, 2019, if you are a permitted or registered solid waste management facility that processes fill material (soil, sand, gravel, or rock), you must...