Are you prepared to meet the upcoming fill material sampling requirements? Less than 6 months to go!
Starting May 4, 2019, if you are a permitted or registered solid waste management facility that processes fill material (soil, sand, gravel, or rock), you must chemically test all fill material BEFORE it leaves your site!
What you need to know: 
- At least one sample is required for every 1,000 cubic yards of fill material;
- Samples must be chemically tested for a list of parameters as specified in the applicable regulations;
- Samples must be analyzed by a New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) certified laboratory;
- Your facility’s sampling program must be designed and implemented by or under the direction of a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) according to Part 360.13(e);
- All outbound fill material must be classified as either “General Fill”, “Restricted-Use Fill”, or “Limited-Use Fill”
- Limited-Use Fill is PROHIBITED from being placed on Long Island.
Need help with sampling for your facility to continue operating after May 4, 2019? Walden has already designed sampling plans that can be easily implemented into your current operation!
Contact one of Walden’s experts today at (516)-624-7200.