Which New York State Grant Should I Apply For?

As described in our last blog, New York State Consolidated Funding Applications (CFAs) are open until July 26th, 2019 at 4pm. With over 30 programs administered by 10 agencies, the CFA process can be a lot to take in. Wondering which program is right for you? A sampling of the Round IX CFA funding opportunities is presented below.

  1. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

  • Climate Smart Communities Grant Program: This program provides up to $11.7 million in funding for municipalities to perform inventories, assessments, and planning projects that will allow them to address climate change and become certified Climate Smart Communities.
  • Water Quality Improvement Project Program: This program will provide up to $70 million in reimbursement funding for projects that protect drinking water or improve impaired surface water quality. Eligible projects include salt storage, MS4 improvements, aquatic habitat restoration, improvements to wastewater treatment systems, and non-point source best management practices. The maximum funding amounts vary depending on the project type.
  • Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant Program: The NYSDEC and Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) administer this program which has up to $3 million available for funding (capped at $100,000 per project award). Grants are intended to help municipalities initiate planning for eligible clean Water Revolving Fund (CWSRF) water quality projects as described in the program description. Municipalities are eligible to apply if they meet the CWSRF requirements, including limits on median household income.

waste reduction plans

  1. Homes and Community Renewal

  • Community Development Block Grant Program: Up to $20 million in federal funding has been set aside to promote development in small communities and counties to benefit low- to moderate-income individuals. Eligible projects must address needs related to public infrastructure, public facilities, microenterprises, or community planning.
  1. Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation

  • Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage (EPF): This grant program will provide up to $19.5 million in funding (capped at $600,000 per project award) for acquisition, planning, development, and improvement projects at parks, historic properties, and heritage areas within NYS. Applicants that are eligible for this grant are municipalities, State Agencies, Public Benefit Corporations, Public Authorities and not-for-profit Corporations.
  • Recreational Trails Program: This program will provide up to $1.9 million in funding to develop and maintain motorized and nonmotorized recreational trails and related facilities.

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  1. Department of State

  • Local Waterfront Revitalization Program: This grant will provide up to $15 million in funding to eligible villages, towns, cities and counties located along New York coasts or inland waterways to promote the preparation, updating, or implementation of a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.
  • Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program: This program will provide up to $2 million in funding to eligible municipalities, community-based not for profits, and New York City Community Boards to complete BOA nominations for communities affected by known or suspected brownfield sites or pre-development activities within a nominated BOA.
  • Local Government Efficiency Program: This grant will provide up to $4 million in funding for local governments to work in cooperation to share services and eliminate redundant practices to reduce municipal operating costs. The planning and implementation associated with consolidating municipal services are eligible for funding under this program.
  1. Environmental Facilities Corporation

  • Green Innovation Grant Program: Up to $15 million is available for this grant, which is administered by the EFC. The intent of this program is to promote the use of green infrastructure in storm water management. Eligible green infrastructure measures are detailed in the GIGP project description and are geared towards storm water collection and reuse on-site to reduce runoff and increase infiltration.

Interested in discussing how a grant could help your municipal project? Call Walden at (516) 624-7200 to talk with some of our grant writers that have helped win millions of dollars for our clients!