New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is proposing to revise the rules to require certain buildings to submit a “Building Waste Management Plan.”
Who will submit the “Building Waste Management Plan”?
Owners and/or managing agents of certain new or altered residential multiple dwellings.
Who will be affected? (Does this action apply to me?)
- Any new multiple dwelling building that contains 150 or more dwelling units,
- Any commercial building that is altered, enlarged or otherwise modified from its original physical design in order to be classified by DOB as a multiple dwelling building that contains 150 or more dwelling units,
- Any commercial building with 50 percent or more of its floor area renovated in order to be classified by DOB as a multiple dwelling building that contains 150 or more dwelling units.
What must the Waste Management Plan (WMP) include?
The WMP must include some basic information about the contacts and the size of the property as well as more technical information such as sanitary storage plans for certain types of waste, separation and collection procedures, compliance confirmation and DSNY collection data.
Submitted building waste management plan has to include design drawings that are submitted to the DOB.
Where Can I find DSNY’s rules?
Title 16 of the Rules of the City of New York.
What is the timeline for applying?
Building waste management plan must be submitted to the Department no later than when plans that include design drawings are submitted to the Department of Buildings or the effective date of this rule, whichever is later.
Public Hearing and Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Rules:
An online public hearing will be held by DSNY from 9:30 am to 11:00 am on May 28, 2020.
To speak at the hearing, you must sign up to speak by calling 646-885-4786 or emailing at mliguori@dsny.nyc.gov by May 27, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
To participate in the public hearing:
- Enter the Webex URL: https://departmentofsanitationnewyork.my.webex.com/departmentofsanitationnewyork.my/j.php?MTID=m29a4a57cd0ce7d5bcd4be7a6d28c3375
If prompted to provide a password or number, please enter the following;
Meeting Number: 796 986 685
Password: 12345! (123450 from phones and video systems)
- Join via phone or dial-in, please use the following:
Phone: (408) 418-9388
Access code: 796 986 685
Password (if requested): 123450 from phones and video systems.
Other ways to submit comments on the proposed rules:
- Website, https://rules.cityofnewyork.us/
- Email, nycrules@dsny.nyc.gov
- Mail, mail to DSNY, 125 Worth Street, Room 710, New York, NY 10013.
- Fax, 212-788-3876
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Walden Environmental Engineering.