Town-wide Fuel Management Systems Design, Installation/Startup, Construction Management. The Town of Hempstead realized they needed to gain better control of their fuel costs and usage. They were loosing a great deal of fuel due to misallocation, inadequate record-keeping, lack of tracking and inconsistent vehicle servicing. In some cases, the wrong fuel was even being used to power their 1,500-vehicle fleet. Walden was called in to assess the problem, offer solutions and update the Town’s methods. As FuelMaster distributors, Walden developed a plan to help the Town gain control of this unsustainable situation. Walden engineers visited town sites and met with appropriate officials to understand their needs. Based on an analysis of the findings, a customized fuel management solution was developed.
Walden designed fuel management system installations for 16 Town fueling centers, integrating the FuelMaster equipment with the existing fueling systems and fleet vehicles. Project bidding and construction oversight and management services were also provided. Design and construction were completed in 2013 and implementation of the fuel management system yielded almost immediate results. In less than one year, fuel costs were reduced by 7.5% and Town vehicles were on a service schedule, reducing downtime.
Walden continues to work closely with the Town in an on-call capacity performing the following tasks upon request: servicing the FuelMaster Fuel Management Units (FMUs) installed at the fueling facilities; implementing software updates, software operator planning, and training; providing on-site training and technical assistance in programming and utilizing the fuel management system components; and creating FuelMaster system reports that best meet the Town’s overall and individual department objectives for accounting, fuel tracking and reconciliation, and fleet management/maintenance.