Are you a permitted solid waste management facility within New York City? If so, did you know that as part of your annual New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) permit renewal, exhaust emissions from all diesel and/or gas-powered equipment must be evaluated in accordance with US EPA Method 9 and 22 standards? That means that in addition to dust, noise, and vibration testing, a Certified Visible Emissions Observer must conduct opacity emissions testing on all equipment listed in the transfer station permit. In order to continue business operations, according to RCNY 4-06 (oo) through (rr)) issued by DSNY which became effective on April 16, 2005, all non-road motor vehicles must meet the limits listed in Rules of the City of New York.

In addition, any generators larger than 40 kW located in New York City must also have opacity tests done every 3 years in order to comply with NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) Section 44-02 which states that the Method 9 test results “shall indicate less than 20 percent opacity for any two consecutive minutes in any 60-minute period.”
If your DSNY transfer station permit expiration is coming due or if you have a generator registered or permitted with NYCDEP, Walden Environmental Engineering has many solid waste engineers and Certified Visible Emissions Observers on staff who can help your facility maintain compliance with all applicable regulations. Please call Walden at 516-624-7200 to get in compliance today!