NYSDEC Tracking DocumentHey Bud, do you know about B.U.D.s? Tracking Documents? Permits and Registrations?

The time has come to comply with the NYSDEC Part 360 regulations. Starting today, May 3, 2018, the NYSDEC requires and expects that all Solid Waste Facilities (with some exceptions) will be in compliance with the new regulations. The exceptions include Part 361-5 facilities, whose compliance begins May 3, 2019, a year from today.

There are a few important sections of the Part 360 regulations we want to make sure you are aware of and know to comply with:

  • Clean Fill General FillBeneficial Use Determination (BUD)

The categorization and sampling of fill must be done before use of all material that was generated from New York City or is known to be contaminated. Although Fill Transfer Stations are not required to test until May of 2019, as of today, the material must be tested and categorized before it is used (ex. General, Limited Use, Restricted Use).

  • Fill MaterialTracking Document

The document pictured below, must first be filled out by the generator of the fill. Then, when the fill is shipped, it must be filled out by the transporter and carried with the material at all times. Finally, the tracking document must be filled out by the receiver of the material, copied, and sent to the generating facility and the NYSDEC. These documents must be kept on file for a minimum of 7 years.

  • Permit / Registration Must Be Filed for Transporters

Transporters of material must obtain a permit or registration for their vehicle. The distinction between the two can be found under Part 364.

  • All facilities except for Fill Transfer Stations must ensure they have applied for a registration or a permit for their solid waste facility.

    Fill Material

Fill Transfer Stations have a lengthy permit/registration process. See our previous post for more


Confused about Part 360 Compliance?

If you have any questions or concerns about your facility’s compliance, please call Walden Environmental Engineering at (516) 624-7200. We have solid waste experts on staff to help with all of your regulation needs. And check out our Solid Waste / Part 360 Compliance Webpage!