Is My Project Eligible for New York State Funding?

It’s that time of year again! New York State Consolidated Funding Applications (CFAs) are now open for 2019, and Walden Environmental Engineering is here to help! Last year, Walden applied for three grants on behalf of a single large municipal client, and all three grants were awarded for a total of $1.5 million towards water quality improvement projects! In 2017, Walden won $30,000 for a sewer planning project for another municipality.

Our experienced grant writers can help you determine if any of your planned projects qualify for funding through any of these programs and complete the CFA on your behalf. All 2019 municipal grant applications are due July 26th, 2019 4:00 PM. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post that will provide details on the different types of grants available for your projects!

Interested in discussing how a grant could help your municipal project? Call Walden at (516) 624-7200 to talk with some of our grant writers that have helped win millions of dollars for our clients!