In accordance with NYC Local Law 199 of 2019, the NY City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is required to release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for waste collection services in designated commercial waste zones (CWZ) by November 20, 2020. DSNY Plans to issue a two-part RFP with two different submission due dates, one for Part 1 and one for Part 2.
The Part 1 RFP was released on November 19, 2020, and can be found at https://dsny.cityofnewyork.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/DSNY-CWZ-RFP-11.16.20-FINAL.pdf . The Part 2 RFP will be issued at a later date, with a new due date. The Part 1 RFP requests information about proposers’ qualifications to participate in the CWZ program. The Part 2 RFP will request a full technical/financial proposal, including individual Plans required by LL 199. Only those proposers that respond to the Part 1 RFP will be able to submit a response to the Part 2 RFP.
The Part 1 RFP requests the following information:
- Compliance with Licensing Requirements
- Key Staff Information
- Financial and Business Information
- Compliance History
There will be a virtual RFP Informational Conference for the Part 1 RFP on Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 11 am. Attendance is optional, but highly encouraged. Two pre-Proposal Part 2 Conferences will be held in the future. Proposers must attend one of these conferences to be eligible to submit a Part 2 RFP response.
Potential Proposers are encouraged to pay attention for additional information from DSNY, including additional Rules for the CWZ Program.
If your DSNY transfer station permit expiration is coming due or if you have a generator registered or permitted with NYCDEP, Walden Environmental Engineering has many solid waste engineers and Certified Visible Emissions Observers on staff who can help your facility maintain compliance with all applicable regulations. Please call Walden at 516-586-0591 to get in compliance today!