Do You Have To File A Solid Waste Annual Report?

March 1st,  2019. This is the last day to file for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Solid Waste Annual Report. The reports must be submitted electronically or by mail to both, respective DEC Regional Office and the Central DEC Office in Albany, NY.

If you do not know which your regional office is, please check here.

What Regulation does this fall under?

The Solid Waste Annual Report is in accordance with the 6 NYCRR Part 360 and Part 361 and Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) 27-2303. It encompasses a wide range of industrial facilities.

Who Has to File?

The facilities that must comply include:

  • Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facilities
  • Recyclables Handling and Recovery Facilities
  • Transfer Stations
  • Used Cooking Oil Processing Facilities

  • Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Storage Facilities
  • Metal Processing & Vehicle Dismantling Facilities
  • Waste Oil Storage, Reprocessing or Re-refining Facilities
  • Municipal Waste Combustion Facilities
  • Regulated Medical Waste Facilities
  • Landfills
  • Waste Tire Storage Facilities

What Happens if I Do Not File?

If you choose not to file and comply with the NYSDEC annual reporting requirements, you are in violation of the 6 NYCRR Part 360 regulations. The violation for not complying can result in up to a $7,500 penalty per violation, and an additional $1,500 penalty for each day the violation is not resolved.

I Do Not Know How to File….Transfer Station Permit Application

That is okay! Walden has over 20 years of Solid Waste Experience. We are professionals in the Solid Waste Industry, and can help you and your facility stay in compliance and avoid any violations and penalties from the NYSDEC regulatory agency. Read more about our Solid Waste Expert on staff, Robert LoPinto, P.E., here. Feel free to call Walden at (516)-624-7200. CLICK TO EMAIL HERE, and we will help you take care of your 2018 Annual Waste Report.