Community Impact Grant Is Now Open and Available to Applicants
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced funding for the Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant program. Not-for-profit (NFP) community-based organizations that have projects which target communities that have been exposed to multiple environmental harms and risks can apply for this grant.
Projects that are available for this grant must be within or serve a Potential Environmental Justice Area (EJ Community). Visit this link to determine if you or your project are located within an EJ Community.
Project proposals must include but are not limited to the following information:
- A description of the affected community’s environmental harm and risk
- The environmental category that is associated with the project (i.e., Water, Air, Habitat Restoration, etc.)
- The organization’s mission statement
- The project’s location
- A brief project description (250 characters or less)
- The research that will be conducted alongside the project to help better understand the affected community
- A comprehensive work plan
- An itemized budget that includes all project-related expenses
There is a 36-month timeline associated with this grant. All projects will be contracted to be completed and invoiced within the contract term of October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2026.
Under this grant program, a total of approximately $6,000,000 is available, with each applicant eligible to receive a minimum award of $50,000 and a maximum award of $100,000. Only costs that are project-related are eligible to be covered by the grant.
All applications will be reviewed and scored to determine grant eligibility based upon several criteria. Additional grant information and application guidelines can be found here.
If you need assistance writing or submitting your grant, Walden can help. Give us a call at 516-548-2974 or visit our grants page for more information.

Image by Foto-RaBe from Pixabay
Read about Walden’s grant writing services here, and contact us at 516-548-2974 to speak with one of our experienced grant writers.