28th Annual Valley-Shore Y Golf Classic

Walden’s EHS Division (formerly Turnkey Compliance Solutions) was proud to support the Annual Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic for the eighth year. This year’s tournament raised more than $51,000 to help provide scholarships to those in need.


27th Annual Valley-Shore Y Golf Classic

This year was the seventh year we participated in the Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic. Proceeds from this tournament benefit the YMCA’s Strong Kids Financial Assistance Program, and support community health initiatives.


26th Annual Valley-Shore Y Golf Classic

This year was the sixth year we participated in the Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic. Proceeds from this tournament benefit the YMCA’s Strong Kids Financial Assistance Program, and support community health initiatives.


25th Annual Valley-Shore Y Golf Classic

In 2016, we marked the fifth year we participated in the Valley-Shore YMCA Golf Classic. Proceeds from this tournament benefit the YMCA’s Strong Kids Financial Assistance Program, and support community health initiatives.