Incident Rate Calculator
Why you need to know your incident rate
Submitting OSHA 300 logs (300, 300A, and 301) is an annual requirement for many organizations. However, calculating and reporting your incident rate is not. Even so, knowing that number can provide a crucial tool for safety professionals who want to establish benchmarks for performance, discover gaps in their safety programs, and compare their performance with that of other businesses.
So, how is the incident rate calculated?
The incident rate is calculated by multiplying the total number of injuries and illnesses (annually) by 200,000 and then dividing that number by the total number of hours worked by all employees within that year (see calculator). The result is the number of occupational injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees over one year. Small employers may need to use 2–3 years of data to be able to compare themselves to the BLS industry averages.
Keep in mind that you will need data from your OSHA 300 logs to calculate your facility’s incident rate properly. If you are unfamiliar with OSHA’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements, read this past Walden blog that explains it.
A higher injury and illness rate could indicate a more dangerous working environment and suggests that there is likely room for improvement in existing safety programs.
Incident Rate Calculator
High incident rate? Walden can help!
Calculating your incident rate is an efficient way to measure the safety of your workplace and the effectiveness of your safety efforts, compared to the performance of your peer companies.
If you have a high incident rate, you should take action to make improvements to your business’s safety performance, like increasing employee engagement in safety, increasing near miss reporting, identifying trends in all incident data, improving programs and procedures, and providing high-quality safety training for staff.
Developing a mature safety culture is crucial in empowering your staff to advocate for their safety and in building a strong safety culture. Fortunately, Walden Environmental Engineering can help.
Members of Walden’s EHS team are experienced professionals who can help you build a strong safety culture. We can help identify the opportunities for improvement in your health and safety program and help you build a more resilient system to address your needs. Walden can help you understand what the numbers mean and develop plans for continuous improvement.