Do you currently own or operate a Solid Waste Facility in New York State?
Annual Reports must be complete and submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation by March 1st, 2020. This annual report is for the year of operation from January 01, 2019 to December 31st, 2019. Failure to provide the information requested is a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law, the Part 360 Regulations, and your Permit/Registration Conditions.
The Report consist of filling out a form according to the type of facility being operated. The form requires the amount of material(s) received at the facility every month, in tons, per type of waste. It also requires the service areas of waste received which means the area where the waste is coming from and the tons received from each area. It requires the disposal destination for each type of waste and the transfer facilities used for further processing of material and the tons of material that went to the certain destination. Finally, it requires the amount of material(s) that was recovered in the facility and its destination.

The form also requires further paperwork that consists of updating any reports based on any changes made to the facility during the year and updating financial documents based on those changes.
If you have a Solid Waste Facility and need help with your Annual Report, please call Walden Environmental Engineering to see how we can help you with your needs.