March 1st, 2020 is the last day to file the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Solid Waste Annual Report. All annual reports must be submitted to both the Central DEC Office in Albany NY as well the Division of Materials Management in your respective DEC Region.

What types of facilities have to file an annual report?
The NYSDEC recently published new annual report forms for specific facilities that were not available prior to last year. Below is a list of all facilities that have a designated annual report form specific to their operation.
- Landfills
- Combustion and Thermal Treatment Facilities
- Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities
- Municipal Solid Waste Processing Facility
- Regulated Medical Waste Facility
- Transfer Facilities
- Anaerobic Digester Facilities
- Biosolids Composting and Other Processing Facilities
- Composting (Yard and/or Source Separated Organic Waste) Facilities
- Mulch Processing Facilities
- Biosolids Land Application
- Septage Land Application
- Unrecognizable Food Processing Waste Land Application
- Storage Facilities
- Septage Storage Facilities
- Food Processing Waste and Manure Storage Facilities
- Recognizable Food Processing Waste Storage Facilities
- Construction and Demolition Handling and Recovery Facilities
- Recyclable Handling and Recovery Facilities
- Scrap Metal Processing Facilities
- Used Cooking Oil/Yellow Grease Processing Facilities
- Vehicle Dismantling Facilities
- Waste Tire Handling and Recovery Facilities

What if I choose not to file an annual report?
If you choose not to file an annual report with the NYSDEC, you are putting your facility at risk for receiving a violation that can result up to a $7,500 penalty per violation, and an additional $1,500 penalty for each day the violation is not resolved. The NYSDEC can also take action to revoke your permit/registration.
How do I file an annual report with the NYSDEC?
Walden is experienced in guiding clients through the annual report forms and can help your facility stay in compliance with the NYSDEC annual reporting requirements. If you have any questions or concerns with the new forms, please call one of our Solid Waste engineers.