NY Consolidated Funding Application Highlights: DOS and OPRHP Programs

by | Jun 27, 2024

Round XIV of New York State’s Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) is currently open, and applications are being accepted until Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 4 p.m. Earlier this week we highlighted three grant programs being offered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Today, we will discuss three additional grant programs, two of which are available through the New York State Department of State (DOS) and one through the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP). The state’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) also contributes to all three of these programs.


The Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning Grant Program

This grant program provides funding for municipalities to complete planning and zoning work that aligns with smart growth principles, ensuring that sustainable community development is achieved. To meet the smart growth requirement, projects must consider economic factors, environmental protection, and equitability. There is $2 million in funding available through this grant.

Eligible applicants to the Smart Growth Program include municipalities (villages, towns, cities, and counties) or entities applying on behalf of municipalities (non-profits, counties, and regional planning councils). Applicants must seek at least $75,000 in funding; there is no defined maximum award amount. The proposer is responsible for paying 10% of the total project cost.

Grant applications will be evaluated based on factors including project need, the community’s economic standing, the plan to implement smart growth principles, and the level of expected public engagement.


The Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)

Under the LWRP, municipalities can receive funding to complete activities that help implement New York’s Coastal Management Program. The focus of the LWRP this year is creating communities that are more resilient to climate change. There is $13.975 million available for the following project types: LWRP creation and modification, LWRP component (i.e., watershed management plan) creation, and LWRP implementation. A LWRP is essentially a plan for improving waterfront areas (both coastal and inland), ideally in as sustainable a way as possible.

Municipalities including towns, cities, and villages may apply for funding under this program. Counties are also able to apply on behalf of these smaller municipalities. The state will award up to $2 million and no less than $50,000 for each application under this program. Applicants must fund either 25% or 15% (if located in an environmental justice area or disadvantaged community) of the total project cost.

Applications are scored based on criteria including the expected positive effect on the public, disadvantaged community status, cost, and endorsement by a Regional Economic Development Council (REDC).


The EPF Grant Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage

This grant program provides funding for the development, acquisition, planning, and betterment of state parks, heritage areas, and historic properties. The sites that receive funding through this program will receive protections to ensure continuous and lasting public benefit. Projects should consider this year’s OPRHP Commissioner Priorities, which include increased trails, greater walkability, and climate change mitigation and resilience. There is $26 million in funding available to applicants.

Program applicants can be either municipalities or non-profits that have an ownership stake in the site. Projects may receive a maximum of $675,000 in funding. The applicant will be responsible for 50% of the total project cost, or 25% if the planned work is in a high-poverty location.

Application scoring will consider a number of factors that include expected effects of the work, cost, the level of need, alignment with the OPRHP Commissioner Priorities, and public backing.


Walden’s Grant Writing Capabilities

Walden’s experienced team of grant writers has secured over $60 million in funding for our clients. If you are interested in exploring the CFA grants (or any other kinds of grants) available to your municipality, contact us at 516-548-2974. We are always monitoring new opportunities and are happy to help you identify the best funding options for your needs.


Photo credits:

Walkway photo by Clay Lindner on Unsplash

Dunes photo by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

River photo by Cristóbal del Valle from Pixabay