Walden is pleased to announce that we are collaborating with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Town of East Greenbush to give a presentation on newer, more robust asset management planning at the New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA) 2024 Spring Meeting and Exhibition. The title of the presentation is “Better Asset Management Planning: Tales from the Sewer Side.” The authors include Danyel J. King, P.E., NYSDEC Bureau of Water Permits; Meaghan Hart, Town of East Greenbush Deputy Commissioner of Public Works; and Thomas T. Nitza, Jr., P.E. and Gwendolyn Burke, P.E. of Walden.

The NYWEA 2024 Spring Meeting will be held June 4 through June 6 in Buffalo, New York and will feature a variety of technical sessions on each of the three days. These sessions will feature speakers covering topics such as residuals and biosolids; sustainability; water reclamation; environmental health and safety; ethics; PFAS; research and innovation; and asset management.

Our presentation will be given on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 3–3:30 p.m. The talk will cover information about Walden’s work with the NYSDEC and the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (NYSEFC) on their Asset Management Program for Publicly Owned Treatment Works. The presentation will include direct insight from a manager with the NYSDEC regarding the purpose and direction of the Asset Management Program, as well as commentary from the Town of East Greenbush, which is one of the current participants in this asset management initiative.


The NYS Asset Management Program

Walden is providing several services to the municipalities assigned to us through the state’s Asset Management Program. The main goal of the program is to develop stronger and more consistent asset management plans for wastewater treatment systems belonging to municipalities throughout the state, allowing them to gain a thorough understanding of the condition of their wastewater assets and take steps to extend their lifespan or plan for any necessary improvements.

The tasks that Walden performs for each municipality through this program include:

The focus of the presentation is designed not only to describe the current Asset Management Program but also to introduce how this same sewer process can and will apply to other utility systems such as drinking water, stormwater, and sustainability systems.

Walden looks forward to continuing to work with New York municipalities through the Asset Management Program. Our asset management experts have the technical knowledge and experience to help your municipality develop a comprehensive plan, too. Contact us at 516-559-6976 today to speak with a qualified engineer about protecting your water and sewer assets. If you are planning on attending the NYWEA Spring Meeting, don’t miss out on learning more about our work on June 5 at 3 p.m.!