Walden Environmental Engineering would like to congratulate project engineer, Darren Ikin, on passing the Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) exam! The CFM qualification is a national program for professional certification of floodplain managers and there are approximately 11,000 CFM’s nationwide. The primary goal of the CFM program is to help reduce the nation’s flood losses and protect and enhance the natural resources and functions of its floodplains by improving the knowledge and abilities of floodplain managers in the United States.
Darren Ikin joined Walden in 2015. He is originally from Australia and obtained his B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Wollongong University in Australia and his M.S. in Environmental Engineering Management from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.
His past experience includes working in many aspects of floodplain management in Australia and the USA, including developing and reviewing flood models on multiple programs, applying regulations to interpret modelling results, designing shore stabilization measures in coastal / riverine environments, assisting municipal governments to navigate regulations and permitting requirements, and advising community members on how floodplain management regulations apply to their specific circumstances.
Most flood prone communities across the United States participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which provides the maps and regulatory basis for local floodplain management. Administering and enforcing local floodplain management regulations can be an involved task for officials who may not have been trained in this field. There are many benefits for flood prone communities to actively participate in the NFIP, and local officials can be aided by enlisting the assistance of a CFM who understands how your community can benefit the most, including reducing insurance rates for your residents if your community is eligible to participate in the Community Rating System (CRS) program.
Walden is very happy to announce Darren’s recent certification! Please reach out to Walden if your community needs assistance or advice in applying floodplain management regulations, or to discuss how your community can benefit from projects that will further protect and enhance your local area.