General Construction Permit Update for 2025
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has rolled out the new General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (CGP) under the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES). The new CGP took effect on January 29, 2025. NYSDEC accepted comments on the draft version of this permit in 2024.
One notable change is that owners or operators with coverage under the 2020 CGP (GP-0-20-001) will not automatically gain coverage under GP-0-25-001, and a new Notice of Intent (NOI) must be filed by those who are currently covered under the permit.
Who Must Obtain Coverage Under This Permit?
There are multiple criteria for site owners and operators to be considered eligible for coverage under the CGP. Some of these criteria include:
- The site or total development will disturb one or more acres of soil
- The site will disturb less than one acre of land, but the NYSDEC has determined that a SPDES permit is required for stormwater discharges based on the potential for contribution to a violation of a water quality standard or for significant contribution of pollutants to surface waters of the State
- This includes sites within the municipal boundaries of New York City when sites will disturb 5,000 square feet or more, but less than one acre, and are in the New York City Watershed located east of the Hudson River, or the total development will disturb 20,000 square feet or more, but less than one acre, or for developments that create 5,000 square feet or more of impervious area.
What Does CGP Compliance Entail?
To obtain coverage under the CGP, applicants must electronically file a NOI and prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). A SWPPP describes the site and evaluates possible sources of stormwater pollution in reference to your site, as well as best management practices (BMPs) to eliminate and/or prevent impacts from construction activities to the surrounding area.
Once construction is underway, regular inspections of the BMPs and the site must be conducted by an individual who has completed the NYSDEC four-hour erosion and sediment control course. Once construction is complete, a Notice of Termination (NOT) must be electronically filed.
Projects that had coverage under the previous permit must apply for coverage under the new permit within 30 days using a Request to Continue Coverage form. (See GP-0-25-001 Part I.F.) The form is accessible through NYSDEC’s CGP webpage:
Projects that did not obtain coverage under the old permit must obtain coverage under the new permit (GP-0-25-001) using the new eNOI form. The new eNOI form is accessible through NYSDEC’s CGP webpage:
Exceptions to some requirements may apply, so it is important to seek help in understanding what rules you must comply with. If you are beginning work on a construction project and think this seems like a daunting and lengthy process, Walden is here to help. Call us at 516-980-5508 for assistance with determining what coverage and permits you need, help preparing your NOI and SWPPP, and completing the NYSDEC-required inspections once construction begins.
Download Walden’s stormwater guide or visit our stormwater page to learn more!

Image by Talpa from Pixabay
For assistance with CGP compliance, contact Walden’s stormwater experts at 516-980-5508. If you’d like to read about stormwater management in more detail, our guide is available for download here!