March 1st is the last day to file for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Hazardous Waste Reports. All hazardous waste reports must be either filed electronically in the American Resource Management website or, if on-line submission is not an option, mailed to NYSDEC Division of Environmental Remediation.

Who has to file?
A Hazardous Waste Report, for each calendar year, is required and must be submitted by large quantity generators and treatment, storage and/or disposal facilities in New York State. Generators and facilities are required to submit a Report if any one of the following criteria applies:
- If you meet the definition of a Large Quantity
Generator at any time during the previous calendar year. According to NYSDEC, a
site would be considered a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) if your site meets
any of the following:
- if in any single calendar month, the site generated 1,000 kg (2,220 lbs) or more of hazardous waste; or
- if the site generated in any single calendar month, or accumulated at any time more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of acute hazardous water; or
- if the site generated in any single calendar month, or accumulated at any time, more than 100 kg (220 lbs) of spill cleanup material contaminated with acute hazardous waste.
- If your site treated, stored or disposed of hazardous waste on-site during the previous calendar year.
- If your site Generated 15 tons or greater of hazardous waste or hazardous wastewater with the exemption of only universal waste.

What needs to be filed?
The following forms need to be included in the submission:
- The Site ID Form, which describes detailed information about the site including site location, mailing address, contact person and phone, owner/operator information, and information on regulated waste activities.
- The GM Form, which describes detailed information about each waste generated at the site including a description, the source and form of the waste, quantities and volumes, and the disposition of the waste whether disposed on site or shipped off site.
- The WR Form, which describes any hazardous waste received by the site during the reporting year whether the waste was managed on site or subsequently shipped off site.
Do Not Know How to File….
Walden is experienced in guiding clients through the Hazardous Waste Reports and can help your facility stay in compliance with the NYSDEC hazardous waste reporting requirements. If you have any questions or concerns with the new forms, please give call one of our Solid Waste engineers on staff at 516-624-7200.