Have you heard or read about environmental database management systems (EDMS) but aren’t sure this new technology makes sense for your operation?

Consider the following three scenarios:

  1. You represent a large company or agency responsible for multiple environmental stewardship efforts and/or projects designed to establish, determine and manage remedial options.
  2. You manage a smaller operation or consulting firm, but the work you do is similar to the scenario described above. You don’t have the resources or consistent need to justify in-house procurement of an extensive new database management system.
  3. You operate a lab or small consultancy. Among other things, you’re responsible for reporting data regarding spills, remediation efforts and more to several regulatory agencies. You must adhere to their strict electronic reporting format, but it takes time and can be frustrating to get things done right.

One of these scenarios most likely describes your working environment. You could benefit significantly by implementing an environmental database management system.


An environmental database management system enhances smooth coordination, speeds up the work process and produces better results. Embracing an environmental database management system can be a budget-friendly business decision. Call Walden Environmental Engineering at (516)-624-7200 to discuss your needs today!