Apply for Grant Funding Through Two EFC Programs!

by | Feb 25, 2025

The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) aims to assist communities and encourage the implementation of critical water quality infrastructure projects by providing access to low-cost capital, grants, and expert technical assistance. Grant programs issued by the EFC ensure that communities can safeguard essential water resources by helping to make projects more affordable.

The EFC recently announced that the application period is now open for two grant opportunities: the Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant (EPG) Program and the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP). The deadline for these two grant offerings is Friday, April 11.


Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant Program

Projects with a focus on improving wastewater infrastructure that are still in the planning phase and require the development of an engineering report are eligible for EPG funding. There is a total of $3 million in funding available.

Planning grants prepare communities for the process of applying for financing through the EFC’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The engineering report is prepared during the planning process to ensure that fiscally sound and well-designed projects are able to advance to the construction phase.

Planning activities covered under this program include determining the scope of water quality issues, evaluating alternatives, recommending a capital improvement project, and performing an environmental review for the recommended alternative.

Funding priority is given to municipalities whose planning activities are for a capital improvement project. Eligible capital projects include:

  • Projects required by an executed consent order.
  • Projects required by a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit.
  • Improving/replacing wastewater systems.
  • Building wastewater systems in areas where septic systems are not functioning effectively.
  • Projects that focus on a pollutant of concern identified in a watershed implementation plan.

Grant awards under this program are divided into two categories:

  • Category 1 offers grants of up to $50,000 for any work involving wastewater infrastructure.
  • Category 2 offers grants of up to $100,000 for inflow and infiltration studies.

Both categories require a local match of up to 20% of the requested grant amount.

Read EFC’s program summary on the EPG Program to learn more.


Green Innovation Grant Program

GIGP funding is available for projects that aim to improve water quality and that will implement sustainable measures (“green practices”) to make our infrastructure more resilient. The GIGP has an available funding amount of up to $3 million per project, with a total funding amount of $15 million. See EFC’s program summary for information on specific funding amounts by project type.

The green practices that this program encourages include:

  • Green Infrastructure – these projects focus on infiltration and evapotranspiration, which can help to limit and treat stormwater. Implementing green stormwater infrastructure results in improved air quality, habitat restoration, and increased flood resiliency.
  • Energy Efficiency – the only eligible applicant for this type of grant is Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). Eligible activities include increased use of energy-efficient practices and implementation of renewable energy alternatives.
  • Water Efficiency – these projects aim to reduce water consumption while providing at minimum the same level of service. Conservation and reuse help to maintain water resources. Many eligible projects in this category involve water meters; these must be installed by a professional.
  • Environmental Innovation – these projects involve the implementation of sustainable and resilient water resource management practices in an effort to prepare for the long-term effects of climate change and extreme weather. Activities such as relocation of equipment or treatment facilities to areas with no history of flooding demonstrate an innovative approach to delivering services or managing water resources in a more sustainable way.


Where Can I Learn More?

If you wish to learn more about these grant programs and how to apply, EFC is hosting webinar sessions on Wednesday, February 26.

  • To register for the 10 am Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant webinar, click here.
  • To register for the 2 pm Green Innovation Grant Program Webinar, click here.


How Walden Can Help

Walden’s team of experts is ready to assist you in navigating the application process for both the Green Innovation Grant Program and the Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant Program. Contact us today at 516-559-6976 to learn how we can support your efforts to improve water quality and develop stormwater resiliency projects through these grant programs.

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Contact Walden’s grant writing and water quality experts at 516-559-6976 for help applying for these EFC programs or for more information about our services!