The Department is proposing to make amendments to 6 NYCRR Parts 200, 201, 212, and 621 in order to improve its clarity and consistency, along with making the air permitting process easier to implement across the State. The public comment period for these respective revisions end on June 29, 2020.
Part 200
The proposed amendment to Part 200 allows emergency generators to operate more than 500 hours per year during a declared state of emergency. The Department is also proposing to revise the definition of “combustion installation” to add “other solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels” so that it is not limited to fossil fuel and wood.
Part 201
The Department has made several updates to what is considered exempt and trivial activities within Part 201 including but not limited to wood/lumber drying kilns, coffee roasting processes, and certain small beverage alcohol production facilities. This amendment is also relevant to certain solid waste management facilities that include the use of tub grinders and C&D crushers in which those are no longer considered trivial activities.
Part 212
The Department also updated the HTAC list in Part 212, or High Toxicity Air Contaminants list, by addressing mercury and other toxic emissions from the iron and steel industry.
Part 621
The proposed amendments to Part 621 provide consistency throughout the regulations in regards to the renewal application deadline for non-major air permits (i.e. state facility) which state that applications must be submitted no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of the existing permit.
If you would like to provide written comments on the proposed rules, be sure to submit them by 5 pm on June 29, 2020. If you believe these proposed regulatory revisions apply to you and would like to learn more on how these amendments may affect your operations, Walden has many air pollution engineers that can help!